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Let Us Help In Filing An Insurance Claim For Your Vehicle In Milford, Oh
We know getting into an accident can be stressful and we hope that we can help simplify the process for you a little. First thing to do is to have your police report ready if applicable. An insurance company may delay the claim process if you do not have the report, and they may delay the claim reviewing the report. Allow us to help you when you need to make an insurance claim for your vehicle in Milford, OH!
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Frameworks Collision's expert team can show you what you need to do to properly file for an insurance claim on your car.
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Stress-free Insurance Help
You will need to obtain the number to call into your insurance companies claim department and open or file a new claim. This is not your agency however your agency maybe able to provide you with the number to the claims department.The claim department will ask you a few questions and things about the accident and damage. It is best to keep the answers short and to the point. Then they will ask if you have a bodyshop in mind, and if you do, it is important that you make it clear that you want to use your shop and not their preffered bodyshops. Sometimes the insurance company can get aggressive and try to force you to use their bodyshops making it seem like you have no choice but to go to their preferred bodyshop but do not be discouraged, you are always free to choose where your vehicle is repaired. They may try to discourage you by telling you that if you go elsewhere that you may risk not having all of the repairs paid for and that is just another tactic they use to steer you to their DRP bodyshops for a cheaper repair to save the insurance company money.
Once you have filed the claim, they will either ask for photos of the damages to be sent in via email or taken on an app for a photo estimate, or they will send a field appraiser/adjuster out to inspect the vehicle. From there they will have an estimate amount and issue payment based on what they have come up with. You can certainly skip this step since we provide our own damage analysis and repair estimate but often times the insurance company will try to force you to go that route.Now, it is important not to be discouraged when your shop tells you that the repair cost is double or triple of what the insurance company has written their estimate for. This is very common and it is why it is important for bodyshops to disassemble vehicles and perform a damage analysis so that way the full picture is seen from the very begining. If the amount which the insurance company has agreed to pay is substantially less than what we are saying it is, we can help guide you through your insurance companies supplement process by going over the damages with you, sending paper work to the right people on move the claim along. We are here to help!
Do We Work With Insurance Companies?
We certainly do work WITH all insurance companies, however we work for YOU. By all means we will communicate and provide all the neccesarry information to your insurance company at your request during the claim and repair process. We will make sure to assist
everyone to get your vehicle repaired and back on the road safely. Our bodyshop is an independant repair facility, that means we are not bound or obligated to the insurance company, we have an obligation to you. By being an indepandant repair facility, that benifits you by not having incorrect repairs performed or wrong parts installed on your vehicle without your knowledge or approval.
If you have any questions regarding your vehicle and or insurance claim, feel free to give us a call anytime and see how we can help.